150 - 12831 Clarke Pl, Richmond BC. Canada
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Products / 產品

all prices are listed as $CAD/pound

Fish / 魚
Shellfish / 貝類海產
Specialty Product / 海珍特產

About Us / 關於我們

We are a seafood wholesaler located in Richmond BC, Canada. We promise to bring the freshest and highest quality seafood to our local and international customers. We have a variety of live and frozen seafood products available to purchase.


Our Advantages / 優勢

Eat with confidence! Our methods used in catching, packaging and delivering our products are not harmful to the environment. We practice sustainable fishing by leaving enough fish in the ocean and respecting their habitats.

放心吃吧!從捕魚,包裝到貨運我們都是使用對生態環境無損害方法。多年來使用及支持可持續捕魚, 不影響海洋生態系統。

Our Services / 服務

We have varieties of seafood products in our inventory. Some products are frozen (available all year round) and some products are live (seasonal availability). We also have dried specialty seafood food and ready to eat products. We export world wide! Speak to us to find the right products for you.


A Local Business As Old As Chinatown Itself / 老字號

The Kwong Man Sang Company Limited is a historic Canadian company founded in 1893 by Chinese immigrants in Vancouver’s Chinatown. The Company was founded by Kwong Man Sang, who was a prominent figure in the Chinese community in Vancouver at the time. The company was known for its philanthropic efforts, and Kwong Man Sang himself who worked to improve the lives of Chinese immigrants in Canada. KMS began as a trading company that imported and exported goods between Canada and China. The Company was involved in a wide range of business activities, including the export of British Columbia salmon and lumber to China, as well as the import of Chinese silk and tea to Canada. In 1904, KMS opened a grocery store selling dry foods, produce, meats, and seafood. KMS was more than just a place to pick up groceries. It was a community hub that offered a unique shopping experience for the Asian community. Nestled inside the store was a Chinese clinic and herbal section catering to the health and wellness needs of its customers. The store was a one-stop shop that provided a cultural connection to the community. In the 1970s, the Company shifted from retail to wholesale, selling imported goods in large quantities from Asia. And in 1988, Kwong Man Sang found a new home in Richmond, BC, and has since specialized in seafood wholesale.

廣萬生於1902年成立多元店鋪 – 雜貨鋪,中醫舖,海鮮舖,鮮肉類各式各樣。1988從唐人街原址搬遷到Richmond後主力批發太平洋海域海產。